I’m back home after two weeks of backpacking, photography and filmmaking in Sarek National Park. In contrast to the very warm packrafting trip in Padjelanta I did earlier this summer, weather was on the cold side.
I experienced snow, had to use all of my clothes and could count the number of mosquitoes on one hand. How refreshing!
The cold weather also brought good conditions for photography. Light usually is better in colder temperatures and who can say no to a dusting of snow on the peaks?
I had a few moments of gorgeous light but I haven’t had time to go through the images yet. I will show them later – stay tuned.
As always, I also documented my adventure on film. I will be working on the editing and it will be available later this fall. The title of the film will be ”In Search of the Light”.
For the curious ones there’s already a Sneak Peak video available for Supporters.
I try to come up with a title or a theme during the adventure itself rather than going out with a preconceived idea. That way I think the films become more organic and honest.
Working with both stills and video is a challenge. Especially when you add it on top of wilderness travel. I’m quite stubborn, but sometimes my energy levels were so depleted that I just had to take a break from it all. Two weeks is quite a long time to be at it.
Before I started filming my adventures I had quite a lot downtime when I could get my creative juices flowing again. Nowadays with the filming there’s always something to do and I have to be careful so that I don’t get burned out creatively.
I have one rule. The stills photography always comes first. If there is a possibility for good light I always prioritize the photography. This simple rule helps me a lot.
I’m only home for a few days now. Autumn colors and, hopefully, more snow awaits as I head out again soon.
Take care,